Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Here it was, the day that we had been looking forward to, dreading, and counting down...Claire's first day of School. With the shots out of the way I thought that she would be a bit more excited to start school. We had filled out the papers, seen her classroom and talked about all the fun she was going to have. We went school shopping and she got dressed in a brand new outfit (thanks manda) life was grand...well maybe not.

After a little more talking and a few more pictures she was all ready to go with her Tinker Bell lunch box.

As we walked over the bridge and up the street I started to get the butterflies in my stomach and I wondered if I could really let my baby go to school from 8:20 am until 2:15 pm every day.

She gave me a quick smile in front of Kindergarten play yard

Then I think that reality set in for Claire too.

Then when I picked her up she had a big happy face on, and not just the one on her shirt. She told me about the kids in her class, all the stuff to do and who got in trouble. (go figure) She asked when she could go back to school. She could not tell me any of the kids names but she could tell me what they were wearing. Little girls are funny

She here she is...the big Kindergartner in K117 PS 24...The Bronx! Who would have thunk?!


  1. I finished our wedding album! Yay! I can't wait for you guys to see it. Today I showed it to Ella and when she saw a picture of Claire she said, "That's my favorite!" :)

  2. That sassy girl is too much for me! I miss her!
