Apple Weather! This was our 2nd Annual apple picking trip up to Connecticut to Silverman Farm. Many of our friends that went with us last year have moved so we brought along car loads of new friends to create memories with.
This year we noticed that they had added new tractors to the petting zoo. There were many places to hide and climb on top of those great tractors. Jack jumped in the driver seat and made himself at home.
We loved feeding the animals and the kids giggled as the goats, sheep and lamas licked the feed out of their hands. Claire the social butterfly enjoyed visiting with her friends.
Lance made himself at home and took in the sights and sounds.
We borrowed wagons to pull the kids along while waiting for the hay ride.
At the top of the hill the apples were plenty and the sun was high. Lance was a trooper carrying his full bag of apples. It became his trophy as he showed off all of the apples that he had picked.
The kids were hard workers and ate their fill of apples.
Great memories! The hay ride back to our cars showed the dirty, apple juice stained smiling faces and a great days work.
After the picking the apples came the second hardest job, deciding what to do with all of these apples?!